Ten Things You Should Know About Project Applicants
1. They have got to win this approval. The business men and women who appear before your commissions and boards seeking approvals are under tremendous pressure to succeed. They need to win approval. Careers are made and fortunes lost on these endeavors. The stakes are high for their companies and for them personally. 2. Responsible […]
Ten Things You Should Know About How the Public Feels About Development

1. Stop all development anywhere near me. 79% of Americans want no new development projects in their communities. Now that does not mean they are against development. They are not. They just do not want it anywhere near them. They want new jobs, local tax dollars and new shopping opportunities, but it should be over […]
The Self-Storage Conundrum

When your projects benefits become its negatives. Self-storage is experiencing explosive growth. Annual industry revenue in the US is now $38 billion and it remains one of the fastest growing sectors in commercial real estate with over 7% annual growth since 2012.[1] Changing lifestyles, trends towards smaller housing units, downsizing and other factors continue […]