Norwegian NIMBY Book Release

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We are very happy to congratulate Elisabeth Gammelsæter, former Secretary-General of the business NGO Norsk Bergindustry [Norwegian Mineral Industry], on the publication of her book Not in My Backyard. Published in Norway and focused on their unique NIMBY challenges, Elisabeth reached out to us when writing the book and use our book NIMBY WARS: The Politics of Land Use as well as some of our studies on attitudes on development collected over a decade of repeated national and international surveys as source material. 

NIMBY issues exist in any country where people can have an impact on decision making when it comes to what does or does not get built. Methods of dealing with it vary somewhat culturally but the core strategies remain the same. We have worked on projects in 48 US states and five countries and have assessed projects in many other countries sometimes discovering that systems are either too corrupt or insulated from public opinion for strategic grassroots movements to effectively impact decision making. Norway is not one of those countries. 

Norway government and business leaders will truly benefit from reading Elisabeth’s book and gaining a new perspective on development challenges and the need for community outreach and education.

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