Study: New Yorkers Support Recreational Marijuana, Just Not in Their Neighborhood
More than 1 in 10 opponents of legalization say they are likely to be a customer.
Engineering a Pipeline Protest
I am often asked “what are the toughest projects on which you work?” The stories of epic multiyear, knockdown, drag-out battles are best told over adult beverages, but I can tell you that pipelines and electrical transmission lines crossing multiple jurisdictions spanning numerous municipalities, counties, states and even countries are the most complicated and problematic […]
Bringing a Knife to a Gun Fight
Don’t be naive about who your opponents are and what they really want. Seemingly irrational opponents may have a very rational motivation to shut you down. Identifying covert competitor generated opposition is essential if you want to successfully overcome it and get your project or initiative approved. Dealing with abutters, neighbors and impacted stakeholders with […]